
Our Work

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Image: S.O.U.L. Sisters Leadership Collective


This weekend, with the apparent victory of the Biden-Harris presidential campaign, Senator Kamala Harris became our Vice President-Elect, stepping into history as the first woman, first Black and South Asian woman, to hold this position. As the daughter of immigrants and alumna of Howard University, one of our nation’s premier Historically Black Colleges and Universities, the journey of our new Vice President-Elect serves to remind us that when we invest in our girls, they realize their futures as leaders.

These last few weeks–and days–have made it clear that the leadership and organizing power of girls and gender expansive youth of color are central to advancing American democracy. Around the country, Black, Indigenous, Latinx and other girls and femmes of color are lifting their voices, organizing in defense of our planet’s wellbeing, crafting policy agendas, and protecting and defending our collective human rights–all in the midst of a global pandemic and the real challenge of managing the cacophony of virtual classes, parental work meetings, and the demands of other home-based responsibilities. Their focus and investment in themselves–and in us as a nation–is inspiring; and we’re here for it.


 Image: Adam Blaszkiewicz


Grantmakers for Girls of Color remains committed to amplifying and resourcing the transformative organizing work led by girls, femmes, and gender expansive youth of color. We are clear that we must remain in service of this movement in the long-term, while recognizing and responding to the immediate moment that we are in. Over the next several weeks and months, we will share exciting announcements about our growing infrastructure, new partnerships, and bold initiatives that will guide our work into 2021 and beyond.

Girls of color are our source of hope. Their unapologetic spirits, bold visions, and joy invite us to level up; and so we will.

In community,

Monique W. Morris,  Ed.D.
Executive Director
Grantmakers for Girls of Color