
Our Work

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Events & Convenings

Jul 19, 2021

Esteemed colleagues,

At G4GC we strive to cultivate spaces rooted in healing, inclusivity, and safety. Despite the fact that we were not able to convene in person, it was important for us to curate a gathering for our community of stakeholders  invested in centering and supporting girls, femmes and gender-expansive youth of color. Even if it was virtual.

We are so grateful to each of you who attended our virtual gathering, Branches of Reciprocity: Growing Ancestral Philanthropy with Girls* of Color on June 22. If you were not able to attend, we have included some links below. We also encourage you to pay special attention to our Theory of Impact, and Annual Report, which give insight into what we have been up to this past year, and where we are going.

Some of the highlights from the convening include: getting to know our G4GC team and Advisory Board members, a discussion about G4GC’s Theory of Impact, our work over the past year and the essential work ahead, and the announcement of the New Songs Rising Initiative, in partnership with Seventh Generation Fund for Indigenous Peoples!

Here are some important links:

  • 2021 G4GC Virtual Convening:
    If you were not able to join, or want to watch it again, here is a recording of the main sessions of the convening.

  • G4GC Theory of Impact: Learn more about G4GC’s Theory of Impact. We invite you to join in the engagement of our framework and to share your questions, thoughts, and feedback with us.


  • New Songs Rising Initiative: We are still deeply humbled and honored following the announcement of the New Songs Rising Initiative, a partnership with Seventh Generation Fund for Indigenous Peoples, that centers and supports Indigenous girls and their relatives. We encourage you to learn more about the incredible eight inaugural grantee organizations and projects!

  • Manager for New Songs Rising Initiative: Our team is growing, and we invite you to share our job posting for Manager of the New Songs Rising Initiative with your networks. The person in this role will have close proximity to Indigenous communities, will lead the visioning and implementation of the New Songs Rising Initiative, manage grantmaking and network-building amongst grantees, and lead community-directed solutions that center Indigenous girls and women.

  • G4GC 2020 Annual Report: We are so thrilled to share our G4GC 2020 Annual Report, which captures our growth over the last year, and our incredible and incomparable community of co-investors, grantees, and girls, femmes, and gender-expansive youth of color!

Thank you for your continued commitment to a world where girls and gender-expansive youth of color are safe, free, and thriving!

In community,
Josefina V. Casati
Senior Director of Communications
Grantmakers for Girls of Color