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Forbes, Why Racial Justice Matters In Covid-19 Responses

May 26, 2020

Grantmakers for Girls of Color has been convening funders to take an intersectional lens to grantmaking, particularly focused on race and gender, since 2015. Amid the pandemic, they launched a $1 million fund, as their first grantmaking effort as a newly independent entity. “In April, we had a virtual convening to hear what the emergency needs of young people are, as well as the structural barriers they face. One of the strongest statements from the webinar was from Sara Haskie-Mendoza, from the National Compadres Network. Haskie-Mendoza said that the most dangerous precondition to the pandemic is racism. What we have to do, as grantmakers, is not to shy away from racial equity,” says Dr. Monique W. Morris, executive director of Grantmakers for Girls of Color.